Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Mercury goes direct!

October 2 and my mother tells me that Mercury is finally exiting out of retrograde and going direct. I certainly hope so! Not that I pay much attention to this stuff, but if anything can account for why everything has been so difficult, then maybe it’s that. And hopefully now that Mercury is going direct, things will start to get easier. Right? Right? Among the frustrations was that my new/used stroller broke (no wonder he knocked 10 lbs off the asking price!), my internet stopped working in the eves, and babysitters are falling to the wayside.

So Aiden has attended his first Gender class, and should know the Bradford Library system by now. The babysitter cancelled for the morning's class the night before at 11:30 PM while I was sleeping, of course, so instead of skipping classes I just wheeled him in. He was great! definitely aware that he was getting to do something special. It was the second day that I had to push him in and out of classrooms so I must be the butt of a lot of people's jokes by now. Hopefully, gaining a bit of respect or admiration as well! Aiden is getting over some of his shyness and for better or worse now introduces himself to everyone with: “Hi, I’m Aiden. Pleased to meet you. I’m not shy.” he loves the atrium at school where he can run up and down ramps and run his stroller into any number of pretty Asian girls.

I will have you know that I am the first of the fellows to host a party, and so tonight will be serving tortillas and... something to new friends. I went to the nearby Tescos tonight for supplies (similar to Sam's club) and was so overwhelmed that I left with only a chunk of cheddar cheese and a giant inflatable spaceship for Aiden!

In general, the upside is that Aiden seems to like his bohemian existence out of daycare and free of anything resembling structure. The downside is that I've hardly been able to pay a second of attention to classes/academics/reading, and have had to skip a few classes that I wanted to check out during this first week because i just couldn't bare to wheel him into one more room. I'm hoping that by the time the momentum starts gaining that we'll be in enough of a rhythm that I'll be able to study. Maybe even head into the library. This chaos also has my fragmented mind even more fragmented, and focus spitting like a light bulb with a short. It really wants to be on but just doesn't have the juice.

Oct 3 – We spent the day in Saltaire, a World Heritage Site, doing a less than Heritage activity. Instead we found the local Kidzone and spent about four hours there. It was great! Aiden loved it, dashed out immediately and helped himself to toys and climbing equipment without so much as a glance backwards. The place not only had snacks and good seating but wireless internet! Imagine that. I was even able to read my required essay “Weak States, Global Threats and U.S. National Security: A Research and Policy Agenda” between searches for Aiden, chats with other moms (or mums as they’re called here), and eating incessantly. We caught our scheduled train home with just a minute to grab a sausage roll. Back in Bradford Aiden met his second friend: a girl from India named Ashante, whose mother is also looking for playmates for her daughter. She and her family live right down the street from us and the get together possibilities sound very promising. She and Aiden seemed destined immediately. Ok, so maybe there’s something to this mercury direct thing! Back at home (late) Aiden collapsed for two hours, awoke and ate FOUR (yes, four) bowls of soup before heading back to bed. Can you say, “growth spurt”? Mom’s having her own growth spurt. She ate two bowls of soup, a cup of chocolate covered raisins and, get this, a cup (yes, a cup) of vinaigrette salad dressing. This adjustment thing better happen already or I’ll be unrecognizable faster than I can grab another crumpet. And it’s just Oct. Apparently, Nov though Feb are the really “bad” months. Deep breath.

Oct 9th and I spent my BIG birthday with a hundred plus Rotarians at a quasi sea town (quasi because there was no view of the water). The conference was a challenge with Aiden but we managed quite well despite it all. (Becasue Aiden is a champion. Full stop.) With my fellow fellows we ate Indian food and toasted my new decade. A lovely time indeed. Maybe there is something to this Mercury thing... :)


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