New year, new life -- Off to England!
While it seems a bit odd to still have the title "Baghdad Project" for this blog, it also makes sense. Because it was Baghdad that changed my life forever. The place and experience redirected me to the life I am now living and the work I am doing. The suicide bombings on the streets of Baghdad made me realize that more than documenting war, I wanted to start working for peace. All of the adventures previously posted make up who I am and were i am going, and for that I am grateful-- and feel blessed.
My fellowship in Bangkok, Thailand, in 2006, introduced me to dozens of amazing individuals around the world doing the kind of work that I found inspiring and important: They worked to help child soldiers in Africa; provide support for Tamils in Sri Lanka; stop the sexual exploitation of women and children on the Burmese border; and help victims of the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia. I wanted to be part of that tribe. I then applied to become a Rotary International World Peace Fellow and am so fortunate to announce that I was chosen for this prestigious program. I will be attending university in England this year with my darling boy Aiden. Our adventure continues!!

Aiden is now over two years old (yes, it's been two years since I've posted! gulp). He is my greatest joy and inspiration,
and I hope that he too will become an Ambassador for peace.
Please follow us here as we report on the logistical ups and down of moving overseas, (finding daycare and suitable kid-friendly sites, restaurants, housing etc) and the amazing experience of meeting Rotarians who are doing incredible work in the world, and supporting those of us who really do aspire to change the world for the better. Here we go!!! xo