The View From Iraq in Photos
Please be forewarned that some of the photos at the end of this posting might be difficult but I was told by many veterans that what they wanted was a more honest view of what Iraqis were living. So I've posted a few shots just to give you all an idea.

In Iraq the lines for gas go for blocks. Many wait up to 16 hours and still leave empty handed.

So many prefer not to wait at all. Instead, they head to a black market vendor generally located nearby the gas station. US soldiers warned me not to head back to do interviews, but I wanted to see for myself.

They were wise to warn me considering the terrorists I found lurking there.

In Khadamiya children play in raw sewage and are ALWAYS eager to have their photos taken, much to the dismay of this photographer. US soldiers are working on fixing the sewer lines.

A typical soldier's room on base.

Iraqi translators who work with the occupation as they call it, are threatened daily. This man poses in front of a mural of a colleague recently killed.

During Ashura religious festival we patroled the streets near the Khadamiya mosque.

This woman made the pilgrimmage during the day. The things she has seen...

But the day was not without its terror.

This child probably would have survived had he been in the states but on this day we guessed that he would not.

No one is sure exactly where the bomb went off. Or how many explosions there were.

End of the day exhaustion. Tomorrow we do it again.

In Iraq the lines for gas go for blocks. Many wait up to 16 hours and still leave empty handed.

So many prefer not to wait at all. Instead, they head to a black market vendor generally located nearby the gas station. US soldiers warned me not to head back to do interviews, but I wanted to see for myself.

They were wise to warn me considering the terrorists I found lurking there.

In Khadamiya children play in raw sewage and are ALWAYS eager to have their photos taken, much to the dismay of this photographer. US soldiers are working on fixing the sewer lines.

A typical soldier's room on base.

Iraqi translators who work with the occupation as they call it, are threatened daily. This man poses in front of a mural of a colleague recently killed.

During Ashura religious festival we patroled the streets near the Khadamiya mosque.

This woman made the pilgrimmage during the day. The things she has seen...

But the day was not without its terror.

This child probably would have survived had he been in the states but on this day we guessed that he would not.

No one is sure exactly where the bomb went off. Or how many explosions there were.

End of the day exhaustion. Tomorrow we do it again.